Oh, It’s a Good Fight!
Dad is a big boxing fan. I grew up watching him celebrate the victories of the most renowned players in the game. Week after week, every Saturday night, the TV was playing preliminary matches until the last event took place – the main event.
I was a little girl trying to understand how this sport was even legal with all the blood shed in the canvas. I never thought I could enjoy it. Years went on and Dad would explain some of the strategies they used: the bodywork, the check hook and all the different combinations they used. You had to be so focused in every move you make – it’s a fight!
Nowadays, Dad and I still try to get together for the major boxing titles.
Matthew 3:17 holds one of my most quoted verses in my prayer life: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” These are the words spoken to Jesus before he had started doing anything in ministry. He is loved, not because of His works, but because of His relationship.
Then, some verses later, we find Matthew 4, titled “The temptation of Jesus.” Yes, you got it right – He took His Son, in whom He is well pleased, straight to the wilderness to be tested. What makes us think we will not go through it as well?
“Fight the good fight of the faith.” – 1 Timothy 6:12
Faith is manifested by the test it encounters and it’s only as strong as the test it survives. I dare to say; faith is God’s requisite to trust you with more. That is because God will never trust what hasn’t been tested – Jesus being the perfect example. Those times of testing come in the form of wilderness, we have to recognize them – We’re not even fighting the devil, it’s a fight for our belief.
The enemy wants to destroy our faith by distracting us from the Truth – he will try to make us change our confession. He tried doing it to Jesus; he will try the same tactics with us.
Faith is, in a way, a lot like boxing, it’s a fight and one that will require much strategy to win. Before getting to the boxing ring of faith, remember some combinations:
You are loved. Keep a secure identity in His love.
You were designed to fight. Great is the reward at the other end.
You will win. Jesus came back in the power of the Spirit.
I recall the day I asked my Dad, “how can you enjoy this?”
“Oh, it’s a good fight!” – he said.