Spiritual maturity is an expected result when we are born again. For this reason, we must build a life of training in the Word of God, prayer, worship and obedience to the Holy Spirit.

XploreNations brings a variety of ministry gifts together to make a powerful teaching staff.
Our goal is to raise up leaders who walk in their callings and help build up the local church to carry out its vision. XploreNations is a unique and effective way to fulfill Matthew 28:19
"Go and make disciples of all nations".
Dr. Russ & Judi Jo Adams, are what some might call modern-day pioneers. From international missions and humanitarian projects around the world, to a lifetime of planting Bible colleges, to leading the way in community business - they have been innovative in everything they’ve done.
They have always carried the vision to Train Leaders to Impact Nations all over the world. It’s not just a catchy phrase, it's the life and breath of who they are.
When God brought them back to Broken Arrow, OK in 2007, he empowered them in a new way that would allow them to live out their vision of empowering others like never before. The launch of XploreNations Bible College over 14 years ago, starting in the heart of Egypt, has led to over 40 campuses and counting, with more than 1500 students in the Middle East, United States, Central America, Africa, South Pacific, Asia, and Europe.
The Adams serve as lead the Pastors at Church at Glass Chapel and pour their hearts into the Church and the people they are called to empower. They love life and count it an honor to serve the local church and all around the world, along with their two sons, Wesley and Evan, and their Boxer dog, Buddy.
Empowering people for life is — and always will be — the lifeblood of who they are. Adding a church and family to what they already founded and oversee has been the icing on the cake, doing life with their church family and helping others make their dreams come true all over the world.
The program is made up of 36 courses taught over 4 years. This means 9 classes a year, taking one class per month. Upon completion of studies, a Degree in Christian Leadership is offered. The logistics of each course consist of 12 hours of class including an exam at the end of each course that must be completed in one month.
Our teaching includes a balance of the Word of God and the moving of the Holy Spirit; which makes us model Acts 19, where Paul established a Bible Institute that reached an entire nation.
1. Basics of Faith
2. Prayer
3. Biblical Finances
4. Bible Doctrine
5. The Holy Spirit
6. Ministry of Helps
7. Christian Family
8. The Gospels
9. In-Christ Realities
1. Heroes Of Faith
2. How To Be Led
3. Leadership
4. Christ The Healer
5. Old Testament Survey
6. Ephesians
7. Ethics, Excellence & Integrity
8. Kingdom Principles
9. The Great Commission
1. The Power Of God's Word
2. The Book Of Acts
3. Ministry Gifts
4. Believer's Authority
5. In Search Of Timothy
6. People Skills
7. Vision & Effective Prayer
8. New Testament Survey
9. Intimacy With God
1. Faith-Scripture By Scripture
2. Spiritual Warfare
3. Grace
4. The Art Of Preaching
5. Koinonia
6. The Epistles
7. Eschatology
8. Hebrews
9. Ministry Preparation
Every Thursday from 6:30-8:30pm we are doing our Virtual XploreNations class here in Tegucigalpa while reaching those who are not here. We now have over 70 students between Honduras and Costa Rica.
We are excited to announce we will soon be back to in-person live classes!