In Spirit & In Truth
Ask yourself, ‘Am I putting honey on my prayers, or are they with filled with incense?…

Breaking Patterns
The smallest of changes in the right direction can guide your life to a very different destination.

Little Faith
Little faith panics. Great faith considers not the situation, but the Person: Jesus.

The Leftovers
…Jesus has a heart for the “leftovers”. He is an expert at doing miracles with what’s left. Nothing goes to waste with Him.…

Compassion Walked Among Us
That afternoon in the Mission House, I encountered Jesus, the man who lost a friend…

The Wealth of Generosity
Not only do we know that God is generous, but we can count on him to continue being this way, He is faithful to the end. He is not like a human that might be generous one day and change his mind the next…

Fashion Advice
Quickly judging humility without truly understanding what it is, the world has taught us that humility is nothing but pretending that we’re not worthy; in other words, humility is shamed as being the fake version of ourselves…

Nothing Else
When we realize who He is, then we realize who we are and what we are called to; in addition, He leads us into the how…

A Misunderstood Story
All Job’s prosperity is gone in one afternoon - his property and children gone in the blink of an eye. Of course it makes us wonder, what is going on here? How does the most famous man of his day could go through something so horrendous? Often the answers for this world are found outside of it...

Choosing Friends
There is no time to play church and be lukewarm, we must decide on this side of eternity how we want to spend the rest of it…

Seeing Blind
Light does so many things when it interacts with matter, but most importantly, it always reveals what the thing is…