Risk & Reward

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). 

The term “risk and reward” is commonly used in financial applications, but for my husband and I, “risk and reward” is the way we started doing ministry. Six years ago, these words echoed in my heart after reading Hebrews 11, the Hall of Faith, and it became evident that those who are willing to take faith-filled risks for Jesus Christ are those who experience His promise. Noah, Abraham, and Moses – all have in common their willingness to risk it all and count the cost of their call, while looking at the reward.

The Bible is full of opportunities for us, believers, to partner and take action with the Gospel. Take Matthew 28:19 for example: “Go and make disciples of all the nations" – the call is for us to move from our safe and secure place to one that is unknown and uncomfortable, a place where God can reveal Himself. It is in this place that we can learn to trust in the One who holds the universe together, allowing Him to provide and respond in obedience. The reward always outweighs the risk.

There is much wisdom in learning from the men and women in Hebrews 11 who pleased God by living by faith, who took the risk of going all-in because they knew the Rewarder is also the reward itself.
Here are some highlights to encourage you to take action:

· Faith not only pleases God, it makes it all possible.

· Faith is not the absence of doubt but the presence of belief.

· Diligence is the key between the seeker and the Rewarder.

· Miracles happen when we consider God to be able and faithful.

· We must be looking to the reward.

· Faith is a fight for our eyes. Where you look you will go and what you behold you will become. 

· Endurance is building Christ-likeness in us.

The Lord is most evident in our lives when it is most evident that we are following Him. When we live a life in response to His calling, we are embarking on the greatest adventure of our lives, one full of risks and challenges but also the most rewarding.
Noah built his ark without any context of what rain was, Abraham was ready to give up Isaac without knowing the Lord would provide a ram, and Moses marched the Israelites to the Red Sea without knowing that the Lord was going to part the waters.

There is a great reward on the other side of risk. Go ahead and take it!




Seeing Blind